Classification of 5 Kingdoms


Characteristic :
-Comprises single cell (unicellular)
-Tues constituent has no nuclear membrane (prokaryotic)

1.  Bacteria
     Characteristic :
     -Comprises one cell (unicellular)
     -Shapes of the bacteria are circle (coccus), bar (bacillus), spiral (spirillum), comma (vibrio)
2. Cyanophyta

    Characteristic :
    -Have colonies or in shape of multicellular filament
    -Have phycocyanin (blue), phycoerythrin (red)
    -As well as chloroplast spread all over the cell


Characteristic of Kingdom Protist :
-Unicellular or multicellular
-Eukaryotic cells

-Phylum of Kingdom Protist :
1. Algae
    Characteristic :
    -Comprises unicellular and multicellular in form of filament
    -Has no real root, stems, and leaves
    -In water, algae plays a role as phytoplankton

                      Algae are distinguished into several phylum as follow :
          A. Green Algae (Chlorophyta Phylum)
               Characteristic :
               -They are algae with the largest number of members, about 7,000 species.
               -The reserve food is in the form of starch
               -The cell wall consists of cellulose
               -Live in fresh water, sea water, and humid places

          B.Golden Algae (Chrysophyta Phylum)
             Characteristic :
             -Some have monocellular body, some have multicellular body
             -Their shapes is almost like a ball (monocellular) and almost like branched threat with no partition    (multicellular)
             -Can move (mobile)
             -Have food reserve, some in the form of oil.

         C. Brown Algae (Phaeophyta Phylum)
             Characteristic :
             -They act as important seaweed in the ecosystem, as food or hiding place for sea animals and many of them cover rocks or corals in the tidal regions
             -Have brown pigment or fucoxanthi
             -Commonly live on cold beaches, some also live in fresh water
             -Have rhizoid,a smooth sheet, stalk, floater, and transporter hair

         D. Red Algae (Rhodophyta Phylum)
             Characteristic :
             -The body consists of many cells, has shape like a sheet or thread
             -The size is smaller than brown algae
             -Live in the sea
             -Useful to make agar, for cosmetic, paint, ice cream, yoghurt, and mixture for bar chocolate

Characteristic of Kingdom Fungi :

-Multicellular and unicellular
-As saprofit
Characteristic of Kingdom Plantae :
-Multicellular organisms
-Eukaryotic cells
-Capable to photosynthesize
-Have chlorophyl

1. Moss (Bryophyta)
    Characteristic :
    -Have the parts that resemble roots, stems and leaves
    -Have chlorophyll
    -Live in wet places
    -Having rotation descent (metagenesis) between generative and vegetative
    -Does not have real roots and stems
       Based on the shape of moss can be divided into two classes, namely:
   A. Liver moss  (Hepaticae)
        It’s body sheet shaped green and forked or split in two.
        Example: Marchantia and Pellia
   B. Real moss or leaves moss (Musci)
       It’s body like a tree whose height can reach several centimeters. This moss grows in groups very closely so as to resemble a stretch of green carpet.
       Example: Funaria, Pogonatum, Polytrichum, and Sphagnum

  C. Horn moss (Anthoseros)
       This moss-like moss liver, but it’s sporofit forming elongated capsule resembling horns
2. Pteridophyta (fern)
    Characteristic :
    -Have roots, stems, and leaves real
    -Have chlorophyll
    -Not flowering
    -Young leaf curl
    -Living in the shade and wet or in water
    -At the bottom surface of the mature leaf is often encountered blackish  brown spots called Sorus (a collection of sporangium / spore box)
   -Having metagenesis
3. Spermatophyta (plant seed)
    Characteristic :
    -Have roots, stems, and leaves the true
    -Reproduce by seeds

    Based on the location will be seeded plants seeds are divided into 2 sub-divisions, namely :
     A. Gymnosperms
          Characteristic :
          -Ovule is not wrapped by the leaf pieces
          -The flower only having one type of genitalia there are even female genitalia and male genitalia separately on different trees

               gymnospermae consists of 4 family, namely:

       ~ Cycadinae
          Example : cycads (Cycas rumpii) and Cycas revoluta

          Example : melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)

         Example : tusam (Pinus merkusii), damar (Agathis alba), mountain pine (Pinus

         Example : Ginko biloba

     B. Angiosperms
         Characteristic :
         -Ovule is located inside the fruit will be wrapped in leaves of fruit that would later become fruit
         -Both types of genital contained on a single flower (hermaprodite)

       Angiosperms consist of two classes (according to the number of chips seeds) are:
           ~Monocotiledon (seed pieces one)
             Characteristic :
               -Seeds into pieces one
               -Root fibers
               -Stem have not cambium
               -Carrier vessels located irregularly
               -Bone parallel leaf
               -Has a part flower which amounts to 3 or multiples

          ~Dikotiledon (two seed pieces)
              Characteristic :
              -Two seed pieces
              -Root riding
             -Trunk have cambium and carrier networks centered on it’s cambium.
             -Bone leaves are pinnate
             -Generally a single pistil
             -The flower amounted to 2, 4, 5 or multiples


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