Descriptive Text - R. A. KARTINI

Kartini was the fifth child of 11 children. At age 12, Kartini school in ELS (Europe Lagere School). But after more than 12 years old, she had to stay home because of seclusion. She spent her days to write a letter to her Netherlands friend named Rosa Abbendanon. Kartini also read a lot of Semarang’s newspaper De Locomotive. In addition she had several times sent her writings and published in Netherlands Women's Magazine "De Hollandsche  Lelie"
          Before 20 years old, Kartini had read several books Netherland language, including: Max Havelar by Multatuli, Love Letters , Louis De Stille Kraacht Corperus’s book, Eeden's book, a book by Augusta De Witt, Roman feminist, Against the war Roman.
          From books, newspapers, and magazines of Europe, Kartini interested in the progress of European women think. Her desire arises to advance Indonesian women, because she saw the woman of Indonesia  at  low social status.
          Kartini was married with K. R. M. Adipati Ario Singgih Djojo Dhiningrat, a Regent of Rembang. She was given freedom by her husband to establish a women's school that was named "School Kartini"
          Kartini had one son named R. M. Soesalit who was born on September,13th 1904. A few days later, on  September, 17th 1904 Kartini died at 25 years old.
          After Kartini died, Mr. JH. Abbendanon collect and record the letters that was sent R. A. Kartini to her friends in Europe. The book is titled Door Duisternis Tot Licht or "Light After Dark". In the book there are 87 letters. The book "Light After Dark" tells the Roman Lives of Women.
          Translation letters Kartini recorded in several books including: "Reflections  and for her Nation," "Letters from Kartini", "Call Me Kartini Only", and "I Want to .." Kartini speak so much about the social, cultural, religious and even corruption.
          Because of the persistence of Kartini, an Indonesian woman no trivialized again. Status of women equal to men. A person is not seen again by gender (female or male) but viewed from the achievement. So, on the date of birth 21 April designated as "Kartini Day"


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