Story Telling - Malin Kundang

At one time, there lived a family of fisherman in the coastal area of ​​Sumatra. The family consists of father, motheStor and a boy named Malin Kundang. Due to poor financial condition of the family, the father decided to work in the country by wading across a vast ocean.
"My wife, wait me until I get the money!"
"Yes, my husband. I'll wait for you."
          Then Malin and his mother stayed in their huts. A week, two weeks, a month, two months even a year over the length, Malin's father also did not return to his hometown. Malin’s mother was very sad.
"God .. where my husband?"
"Is my husband dead, oh God!"
          One day, when Malin was chasing chickens, he tripped over a rock and injured his right arm hit by stones.
"Aduhhh .." Malin shouted
"What happen my son?" surprised the mother.
"Malin, you should not chase chickens!"
The wound became in his right arm trace and can’t be lost.
          After growing up, Malin Kundang feel sorry for her mother who worked hard for a living to raise him. He thought to work in side country with his colleagues.
"Mom, I'm going to work across the country. I am blessing, mother!" said Malin.
"No, not my son! Mother does not want your fate as your father, Malin." said the mother.
"Mother, I will be fine. I will return if become a rich later."        Finally Malin Kundang’s mother agreed the decision was his son.
"My son, if you've succeeded and became a wealthy man, don’t you forget about your mother and this hometown, Malin!" said mother while in tears.
          Malin ships increasingly ridden away with the accompaniment of mother wave. Along the way, suddenly  Malin Kundang’s ship attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates.
Even people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin hid in a small space enclosed by the timber. He was still live.
"Oh my God, thank you for saving my life!" said thankfully.
          Malin Kundang adrift amid the sea, until finally the ship was stranded on a beach. With the remaining power available, Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach.
"Hey, what is this village? Oh my God, I don’t know anything!"
Then an old man came to Malin. "Young man, where did you come from? I never see you in this village before."
"Uncle, I come from across the country. My name is Malin Kundang. I want to find a job here!"
 "Can you help me uncle?" Malin asked.
“I’m so sorry young man. I can’t help you, you should find a job by yourself!” answer the man.
          The village was very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, Malin gradually managed to become a rich man. It has a lot of merchant ships with men of more than 100 people.
"Ha .. ha .. ha .. I finally became a rich man."
Having become rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to be his wife.
          Malin Kundang’s news that has become rich and have get married also hear to Malin’s mother. Malin Kundang’s mother feel grateful and very happy that his son had succeeded.
"God, thank you! My son eventually became a successful man." "Thank God!"
Since then, the mother of Malin Kundang every day to go to the beach, waiting for her son who may return to hometown.
"Malin, your mother always waiting for you, son!" mind of the mother.
"When are you coming home Malin?"
          After a long marriage, Malin and his wife set sail with a large and beautiful ship.
Malin Kundang’s mother that was in the beach see a very beautiful ship, entered the harbor. She saw two people standing on the deck.
"What is that Malin my son?" "Malin ....." exclaimed the mother.
          Malin Kundang came down from the ship.
"Malin my son, mother missed you."
Once close enough, she saw injured in his right arm, the more convinced his mother that he was right Malin Kundang.
"Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending any news?"she said. But what happens then? Malin Kundang immediate release of his mother's arms and pushed it down.
"Who are you? You not my mother" says Malin Kundang to his mother.
Malin Kundang was very shy to his wife because his mother is old and dressed rags.
"She's your mother?", question his wife.
"No, she was just a beggar who pretended to be claimed as my mother to get my property," Malin said to his wife.
          Malin Kundang’s mother was very angry.
"Malin, my son! Why you became a bad boy?"
"During this time the mother raise you, but you repay the mother?"
"Basic rebellious child you were, Malin ..." cried the mother
"My mother is an honorable woman, she might not like this! Ugly, poor and shabby." Malin said.
          Because of mounting angry, Malin's mother tipped his hand and saying "Oh God, if he my son, I'm sworn he became a rock".
          Not long after the wind roared loudly and violent storm destroyed the ship came Malin Kundang. After that Malin Kundang’s body slowly becomes stiff and gradually shaped into a rock. 


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