10 The Loveliest Places in Indonesia

1. Lorentz National Park - Papua

Lorentz National Park is set as one of the world natural heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, it’s one of the three regions of the world that has snow in the tropics. Lorentz National Park is representative of the complete ecosystem for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. This area covers the mountains, beaches, lakes, jungles, etc. In here also there is one of the seven highest peaks on seven continents (Seven Summits), namely Carstensz
pyramid or by local people called Ndugu Ndugu (4884 mdpl). From many indigenous tribes living in the region, the most famous is Asmat rate.
Lorentz National Park has so many interesting places to visit, but for access to the area is very difficult . In addition to topography and rugged terrain, the region still has not been thoroughly mapped . There are still many places unspoiled by humans.

2. Raja Ampat 

Raja Ampat is the region with the richest natural resources in the world's tropics, Raja Ampat is an archipelago, there were 610 islands in the region and around the 35 islands are inhabited. Everybody say that Raja Ampat marine tourism is the best place in the world . Besides presenting an incredible natural scenery, access to Raja Ampat fairly easy enough. In Raja Ampat there are many beach resorts serving exotic scenery superb, some of which are managed by foreigners.

Raja Ampat is also famous for its diving, spectacular underwater scenery can be enjoyed by diving. We can also use the speedboat sailing and enjoying the natural beauty of the islands of Raja Ampat.


Lombok included in West Nusa Tenggara province, a small island presents so many stunning natural beauty . Diverse natural beauty one finds, from the exotic beach of Senggigi, Gili Trawangan underwater tours, tours Falls, up the lake at an altitude of 2000 mdpl (Segara Anak Gunung Rinjani National Park), at the foot of Mount Rinjani also contained an inland settlement Sasak tribe were still alive by the way - the traditional way. Beauty of Lombok is famous in the world, almost rivaling popularity of Bali as a tourist icon Indonesia.


Who didn’t know Bali? This island is even more famous than Indonesia itself . While soccer star, Christiano Ronaldo visited Indonesia in a social after the tsunami disaster a few years ago he told me that initially he thought that Indonesia is a country near the island of Bali .. (what the # $% ^ & *??)

Bali is famous for its natural beauty. This island known as the island of Gods, the abode of the gods. though so many tourist attractions in Bali, but the most famous is the type beaches . Starting from sunset beach of Kuta, Sanur Sunrise beach, Dreamland beach, etc.

5. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a place that must be visited, especially for tourists who love outdoor activities. It serves a wide area of stunning natural beauty . Call it Coban Pelangi (Rainbow waterfall with flash that is always visible in the daytime), Ocean Sand of Mount Bromo, Sunrise Penanjakan, Coban Trident, etc. But the most beautiful is the Mount Semeru, Semeru presents extraordinary natural panorama. Starting from Ranukumbolo (lake at an altitude of 2400 masl), savanna oro-oro Ombo, pine forests, flower-filled valleys Kalimati edelweiss, and of course the climax is so famous - Mahameru. Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java (3676 mdpl).

6. Kelimutu National Park
              Three color lake, that's one of the beauties presented Kelimutu National Park . There are three adjacent Kelimutu, respectively - each colored light blue, red, and dark green. beauty of Lake Kelimutu so attract the tourists both domestic and foreign. The color of the lake can vary from dark green to black, from blue to brown, from light green to white, etc. Depending on the mood Kelimutu mountain .. hehehe .. three lakes at Mount Kelimutu is believed by locals as the abode of the spirits of the dead man. the name of each lake is Tiwu Ata Mbupu which means lake Parents Soul People Who Died, second lake called Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu or Lake Muda-Mudi Soul Has Died, and the lake last named Tiwu Ata Polo or lake for the Soul humans are always doing evil.

7. Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon identical with its Java rhino, it is in the Javan Rhino habitat to live and breed, TN Ujung Kulon has three types of ecosystems are marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. here we can see a variety of stunning natural beauty .Beaches in TN Ujung Kulon provide stunning beauty, but it also contained other interesting places such as hot springs, waterfalls, etc. We can also enjoy the exotic underwater scenery, or rent a boat sailing by speedboat and visit the islands in the Ujung Kulon TN.

8. Way Kambas National Park

           Way Kambas National Park is located in Lampung province, an area that was inhabited by various types of protected animals such as the Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Asian Wild Dog, Tapir, etc. . This region is known as the African safari tour of Indonesia, we will enter a vast savanna region and watch the wild animals living in the wild are directly .

9. Derawan

As Raja Ampat, including one Derawan best marine tourism in the world, the island eksotisan Derawan already so well known in foreign countries . Derawan island in the Ionian region Derawan in East Kalimantan Province. here we can enjoy the beauty of the beach, and perform a variety of activities such as diving, snorkeling, or just enjoying the scenery while fishing.


          Bunaken National Park or better known as the Bunaken marine park is located in the Village Bunaken, District Bunaken, Manado. Bunaken Marine Park is one of the Most Beautiful in the World, and various species of fish and coral reef in Bunaken Marine Park making it so beautiful . In Bunaken we can dive, snorkeling, sailing boat equipped using the glass on the floor so that we could enjoy the view from the boat underwater.



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